“I worked with Kristy for over 5 years, and she is undoubtedly
one of the most competent, intelligent and effective managers
I've ever known.
She is incredibly organized, a fast thinker, and her people skills are amazing.
Without a doubt Kristy is one of the best salespeople I've ever known; her
marketing instincts are uncanny.
When Kristy is around, the whole room lights up with her presence.
Her kindness, warmth, sincerity and charm permeate every project
she touches, allowing her to navigate even the most turbulent waters.
Kristy is extremely ambitious and results-oriented, and she thrives on
challenge. Her skill set is broad, her creativity and aesthetic is superb,
and to top it off, she has a smile that can make even the darkest day
seem like the first dawn of spring.
She is an asset, a role model and a reliable, trusted friend.”
Michael Albright
Head of Digital, BBC Motion Gallery/BBC Worldwide